How to Spot a Romance Scammer

Romance scams are sometimes called sweetheart scammers. They’re everywhere, and some of them are very convincing. You’ll find them on dating groups on social media and dating websites. You can be contacted by them on social media. They carry out the act in different ways and sometimes they pretend to be a celebrity musician. So they’re everywhere and it’s not how they contact you that’s important. It’s knowing the signs to look for so that you don’t become a victim. There are several red flags to look out for which involve: 

Tell you to keep your conversation with them a secret 

 Many scammers will repeatedly ask you not to tell anyone else that you’re talking to them. They’ll tell you that your conversations need to remain confidential. This is because they don’t want any of your friends or family to warn you that you’re talking to a scammer. They’ll say things such as you have promised. Babe, do not tell anyone about me, please. I want you to keep our conversation to yourself alone, please. Or don’t discuss our secret talks with any of your friends. I don’t trust friends that much. Anything they can think of to stop you telling friends or family so that they can’t warn you that you might be talking to a scammer. 

They have kids elsewhere 

Many scammers will tell you that they have young children that they can’t be with. The children will be in boarding school, or they’ll be staying with a relative, or they’ll be with a nanny. They’ll say things such as I’m widowed with three lovely girls whose school is in a country outside of their victims. For example,  if they are in the United States they will tell you My dear daughter is in the UK with her nanny. I have a daughter born in Berlin but went to California with her aunt when she was three years old. I have an 8-year-old son who stays with my mother. All these are ways to programs you to send money to their daughter or son.

The horrible death of their relative

Many scammers will tell you that they’ve lost their wives, their children, their parents, or sometimes whole families in horrible accidents. For example, a road accident, a plane crash, or any other pandemic at the moment. His parents recently killed and his elder brother has died of illness. Lost my wife and kid in a car wreck over five years ago. May her soul rest in peace. He lost his wife to cervical cancer six years ago and they had a stillborn son. His parents and sister were supposedly killed in a car accident in a state far from the victim. His late wife died of breast cancer 10 years ago. Both his parents had passed away. All these stories are designed to gain the sympathy of a potential victim at the start of the scam.

They are working in another country 

His or her job takes them away from home for extended periods,  often serving as a soldier or as an engineer on a ship. These are a few of the stories they come up with. For example, I’m a sailor in the United Nations Cargo Shipping Agency and I’m also a businessman. I work with the UN Army here in Syria. He is a marine engineer on an oil rig in Indonesia. I am a marine engineer by profession. I work with the Mediterranean Shipping Company. He is a Marine engineer on an oil platform. in the US Army serving in Iraq, all jobs, which later in the scam will allow the scammer to tell their potential victim that they don’t have access to their bank account for some reason or another.

They can’t get access to their money 

 The scammer will tell you they can’t access his or her money for some reason. For example, I don’t have my MasterCard due to my job. I have lost the most important thing to me. So for that reason, I don’t always come to the sea with my card. I told you I don’t have access to my account. He had no access to any of his large amounts of money due to the Internet not working on the platform. This, of course, is where the scammer starts to get serious. He’s grooming his victim to find out whether or not they will send him money. 

They want to know the worth of your properties and earning  

It doesn’t take long for the scammer to start taking a curious interest in how much money your house is worth or how much money you’re earning. For example, I’m sure your houses cost a lot, my dear. How much did you get from your divorce, babe? How much was given to you? Is it up to 200,000 and you want to get a house? Questions like this, of course, are designed to give the scammer some idea of how much money they might be able to steal from you. 

Professing  love to you in a short time 

 It doesn’t take long for most scammers to start telling you how much they love you and to start sending you ridiculous amounts of love emojis. This is the part of the scam where the scammer wants to start playing with your emotions. They will give you more attention to that you have ever gotten for a while just to make sure you trust them.

 Sending of gift to get your address

They are desperate to send you a present and won’t take no for an answer. Often the scammers will claim that they’re sending you high-value presents. There can be more than one reason for this. Most often it’s because the scammers will then start asking you for shipping or import costs, but sometimes it’s because they’re fishing to see whether or not you’ve given them a correct address. For example, they will send you a video of the gifts they are sending you;  $20,000 plus a diamond necklace and other jewelry. And promise to get you the latest phone.

Giving you a reason to send them money 

The inevitable demand for money reasons for needing you to send them money in many varied and increasingly inventive ways. For example, they will say things like right now the total money I need for the court case is $15,000, but I don’t have up to the full amount baby, I just need 7000 dollars. Some scammer might say that at his divorce hearing his wife had claimed everything and his bank account had been frozen, he needed help. He might claim he’s a marine engineer on an oil platform who suddenly needs money to fly off the platform at his own expense he needs your help. 

 Being aggressive towards the victim 

 If you start refusing to comply with the scammers’ demands or you start asking too many questions, they will try to force you. I suspect that some of the victims who give in to this bullying have previously been victims of abusive family relationships and are used to giving in to bullies. They say things like; Do you forget my job? Do you know that I’m in the ocean? I said I’m not paying for it, I am risking everything for you. They will continue playing the heartbroken victim for days, telling you it’s so painful how heartless you are. You’re truly a scam. You’re not who you say you are. It’s so painful. You pretended to be someone else. You’re heartless, you don’t deserve to live.

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