Punishment in North Korea 

While North Korea remains one of the most isolated and secretive nations in the world, numerous reports from defectors and human rights organizations shed light on a system of severe, often brutal punishments carried out over there. These reported practices aim to stifle dissent and instill a culture of fear, helping to maintain an iron … Read more

The Top  10 Safest Countries To Visit In  Africa

Choosing a country to visit within Africa can be quite confusing, especially considering every place has something unique to offer. However, the thought of visiting Africa rarely comes to fruition, and in most cases, it is because one can get easily intimidated by an alien land. The issue is further exacerbated when a handful of … Read more

10 Countries With The Highest Crime Rate

The rate of crime varies from country to country depending on a variety of factors. In places and nations where employment opportunities are scarce and poverty is high, there is a high risk of criminality. Since developed countries have strong legal positions and job opportunities, crime rates appear to be declining. Here is a list … Read more

 The Justification For Punishment

Introduction  The concept of punishment in the context of the criminal justice system is deeply rooted in philosophical and ethical principles. It serves several important purposes, and its justification is central to the functioning of any society. In this article, we examine the key justifications for punishment and their significance within the framework of criminal … Read more

Causes of white collar crime

Introduction  White-collar crime refers to non-violent, financially motivated offenses committed by individuals or organizations in professional or business settings. Unlike traditional crimes, such as theft or assault, white-collar crimes typically involve deceit, fraud, or manipulation for personal or corporate gain. In this article, we’ll examine white-collar crimes, exploring their various causes and developing working prevention … Read more

General Strain Theory Explanation of Delinquency and Crime

Introduction  General Strain Theory is a widely recognized explanation of delinquency and criminality that focuses on the role of strain or stress in the lives of individuals. Developed by sociologist Robert Agnew who advanced on Merton’s theory of anomie, GST suggests that individuals engage in delinquent or criminal behavior as a response to the strain … Read more

Intelligence and Crime

Introduction  Many early criminologists maintained that many delinquents and criminals’ behavior is a result of below-average intelligence and that low IQ is a cause of their criminality. Criminals were believed to have inherently substandard intelligence, and thus, they seemed naturally inclined to commit more crimes than more intelligent persons. This article will shed light on … Read more

The Concept of Rational Choice in Criminal Behavior 

Introduction  The concept of rational choice in criminal behavior is based on the idea that individuals make decisions to engage in criminal activities after weighing the potential costs and benefits. According to this perspective, criminals are seen as rational actors who make calculated choices based on their self-interests. In this article, we will delve into … Read more

Professional and Occasional Criminals

Introduction Activities of criminals have been issues of concern throughout human history, with individuals engaging in unlawful behavior for various reasons. While some criminals commit crimes occasionally, others adopt a professional approach, making a career out of illegal activities. In this article, we shed more light on Understanding the differences between these two types of … Read more

Police Corruption in Nigeria 

Introduction  Police corruption refers to the abuse of power and authority by police officers for personal gain or to protect illegal activities. It can include a wide range of unethical behaviors, such as bribery, extortion, falsifying evidence, and excessive use of force. This article explores the issue of police corruption, its consequences, and the urgent … Read more